Revealing Grace Kelly Biography Documentary
Nov 12, 1929 – Sep 14, 1982
Grace Kelly biography has been the feature of several documentary programs. Some of these biographies have made it to public viewing on Youtube and we list them here for your reference and for educational purposes to give you a better understanding on who is Grace Kelly. You can start by getting a sense of all about Grace Kelly by watching a rare 1963 program with a young Mike Wallace.
Rare Grace Kelly Documentary
Legendary Mike Wallace covers one of the first Grace Kelly biography programs, giving you a rare insight into the life of Grace Kelly before she became Princess Grace of Monaco. (Read full story at bottom of page)
Hollywood Star
Brief bio on Grace Kelly’s rise in Hollywood as an actress.
American Princess
This 1987 “American Princess” documentary highlights Grace Kelly’s movie career and features rare footage of young Prince Albert.
Intimate Portrait
One of the best Grace Kelly biography documentary is this 1995 “Intimate Portrait” – Grace Kelly (Princess Grace)
Destiny of a Princess
This documentary hones in on the period of 1955-1956 and is narrated by a 1950s-era female reporter
We source the world for the best Grace Kelly / Princess Grace news. Stay informed! Join us.
You can also see Grace Kelly movie trailers and keep up with all the latest news on the 2014 Grace of Monaco movie with Nicole Kidman which is not really a Grace Kelly biography, but focuses on a specific ‘crisis’ period in her life in 1962 as Princess Grace – but it is certainly not a Grace Kelly documentary.
The Story of Princess Grace of Monaco
“The thrill of this moment keeps me from saying what I really feel. I can only say thank you with all my heart to all who made this possible for me. Thank you.”
She has reigned over two worlds – by popular demand she was the queen in Hollywood, by marriage she ascended the throne of a European principality. Her name is Princess Grace of Monaco and this is her biography.
I’m Mike Wallace – this is biography. Our story Princess Grace of Monaco.
As a movie star Grace Kelly gave the impression the one who was cool, serene, every inch the aristocratic lady. It seems remarkable that such a woman could have forged her way to the top in the competitive feverish world of Hollywood. Film producer Dory Schary had an explanation. A real star, he said, must have a motor, something hurrying inside her. Grace Kelly is no exception – it’s just that her motor runs quietly, unobtrusively, like a Rolls-Royce.
In a few short years Grace Kelly sky-rocketed to stardom. She took Hollywood by storm, but the rice of Grace Kelly had little to do with luck. From the day she was born Grace Kelly with practically compelled to be a success
In the 1920’s John Brendan Kelly, a Philadelphia brick merchant, has won recognition as a champion athlete, a leading businessman, and a civic leader. Say his admiring friends: Jack Kelly believes in winning. This fiery Irishman expected his five children to inherit his drive, his keen love competition. He considers it only natural when they become leaders in school and on the athletic field.
But Grace Kelly, born in 1929 seems out of place in the family of competitive extroverts. She is described as mild, affectionate and timid. She is interested in the theatre – dreams of becoming an actress – but she keeps her ambitions to herself.
Jack Jr., Grace’s older brother sets a blistering pace for the family. He becomes a champion oarsman and dominates sculling just as his father did in the nineteen twenties. Grace looks on wistfully, as yet she has no achievements of her own and her acting career is only a vague dream.
Finally, at 18, Grace decides to leave home to study acting in New York. Determined to pay her own way she looks for modeling jobs after class hours. Grace makes little impression at first – she seems to be only one blonde among a thousand. Photographers and magazine editor are deluged by photos of hopeful models but Grace stubbornly insist on being noticed.
Through sheer determination she finds a place in modeling. Her demure wistfulness makes her a natural for the romantic fashion clips in the newsreels. On camera she projected fresh youthful quality of her own.
Though she is often casted as a honeymoon bride, Grace tactfully sidesteps proposals of marriage. She is totally absorbed in her career. While modeling she gets to experience in TV dramas and occasional Broadway plays. Grace is still determined to become a top actress.
In 1952 Grace Kelly gets the kind of break every Starlet hopes for. With little previous film experience she wins a feature role playing with Gary Cooper in “High Noon”.Then Grace meets director Alfred Hitchcock. “There are many leading women” he comments,”
But Grace Kelly is a leading lady”.
Starring in Hitchcock’s “Rear Window”, Grace demonstrates for the first time that she can win popular acclaim. Comments an enthusiastic reviewer: “We are sick of flamboyant, bouncy flashiness. Grace Kelly is all the more exciting for her quality of restraint.”
Now Grace Kelly is called the hottest property in Hollywood. She stars in a succession of major film opposite the the most popular leading man. In “Mogambo” Grace co-stars with Clark Gable – the king of the movies. In “To Catch a Thief” she is a wealthy beauty
in love with the suave but criminal Cary Grant. In “Bridges at Toko-Ri” with William Holden she samples a Japanese-style family bath. And finally in “Country Girl”
Grace gives a moving and sensitive performance as Bing Crosby’s long-suffering wife.
This role will bring her Hollywood’s highest honor. “Grace Kelly for the Country Girl” Grace Kelly is now a member of Hollywood’s elite. She is a major star. She has achieved success in tough and competitive profession.
Grace Kelly however is by no means satisfied with the live a movie celebrity. The movie colony atmosphere she finds is charged with suspicion and insecurity. “A sense of fear” she says, “hangs over Hollywood like like the smug”.
In 1955 Grace Kelly travels to the French Riviera to make a publicity appearance at the Cannes Film Festival. After several days the autograph signing, she visits the tiny Principality of Monaco. Here she meets and poses for publicity photographs with the last absolute sovereign in Europe.
Prince Rainier III is called the most eligible bachelor in the world. For years the Prince has been more interested in sports than a matrimony. The citizens of Monaco
However expect their 32-year-old ruler to marry soon.
Only a few months after Grace Kelly’s visit, he plans a trip to the United States. The Prince arrives in New York and the press is ready with a pointed questions. “You are considered as one of the most eligible bachelors in the world and I know you have been expecting this question. There have been a lot of rumors linking you to virtually everybody – and the latest one is with Grace Kelly. Would you comment on that now?” ….”No, I just met Grace Kelly when she came to the Palace when she was at Cannes for the Festival – and that is all.”…..”There are many stories that you’re actively seeking a wife. Would you care to comment on that?”….”No, I’m not – that is a misquote” …”If you did meet a girl that you liked here, would all this publicity about it, would it prevent you from doing anything about it?” …”No, it shouldn’t. I don’t think anything should prevent me”…..”If you were to marry, what kind of a girl would you have in mind?” ….”I don’t know. The best.”…”What is your estimation of the best?”…”Getting closer aren’t we!”…”Yes, to the part”…”I don’t know, she has to have a lot of qualities because I have a horrible character.”….”Is there any restriction on you marrying a commoner?”…”No, none what’s so ever”
“One other question that Americans are particularly interested in. I understand that there’s no income tax in your country. How do you raise money for the government?”… “By indirect taxation on commerce, industries, hotels – and that’s about all.”….”It’s hard to believe that only four percent of the revenue raised comes from gambling”…”Yes only four percent – it was more before but it has gone down.”….”Are you against gambling?”….”Not at all”….”Do you gamble yourself?”…”No – well I played Bingo on the ship”…”Did you win?” … “Yes, 33 dollars”.
Although scheduled to meet society matrons across the nation, Prince Rainier seems to know exactly where he’s going. He heads immediately for Philadelphia to renew his acquaintance with Grace Kelly. Barely eleven days pass before Mrs. Kelly, Grace’s mother announces that her daughter is engaged to Prince Rainier.
Grace Kelly has made a sudden and remarkable decision. In one stroke she has ended her film career and committed the rest of her life to a man and a nation she hardly knows.
January 1956: Grace Kelly becomes the eye of a publicity hurricane. Her engagement is the number one news story in the Western world. “Miss Kelly, what are your plans here now that you are in New York these last couple of weeks before you sail?”…”Well I have so many I hope I have time to do everything. I was so busy working on my last picture at MGM that I hardly had time to do my shopping – so I will be very busy with that.”… ”There have been reports of a film version of your life is being made, is this true?”… “Well I hope not – I think that I am much to young to have a film made of my life yet.”…” Will you continue with your film career after your marriage?”…”Well, that decision will be made by the Prince.”…
“Is Miss. Kelly going to make any more movies as far as you know?”… “I don’t think so.”…”She won’t make any in Monaco?”… “Oh no.”… “In France?… “No”… “Your Highness, what about the press and camera coverage in your wedding ceremony , will there be some?…”Well yes, it is open to everybody. There will sort of be a pool system as you know the field is not very large and the other places where the functions are going to take place not very big. And of course the people that I have invited have to get in before.”
Prince Rainier leaves the United States for Monaco to make preparations for the wedding. U.S. reporters are already planning an invasion of Europe to rival D-day.
At home in Philadelphia, Grace is surrounded by neighbors and curiosity
seekers. Wherever she appears in public, a crowd magically appears. The Kelly family you proud and excited. Says Jack Kelly Sr.: “From now on, I expect to be known simply as Grace Kelly’s dad.”
Early in April, Grace Kelly is ready to sail to Monaco. Her farewell at a New York Pier is a near riot. Says one witness: “If these reporters tried to cover Cinderella’s wedding they would trample Cinderella under foot!”
“Do you know who is going to be on the yacht?”….”Only the crew” … “There will be none of the wedding party?” … “Oh no”… …. …. “I wonder Grace if in this moment of excitement and slight confusion if you have any special thoughts about leaving the States, about leaving the country and going about living this new life for you?” … “Well, as I said before, just getting married is a very big step for any girl and of course I have a great many feelings about it, and it is a very exciting and I am very, very happy. And of course I am a little sad to be leaving home, but I hope to be back quite often.”
Finally, Grace departs – with her is the entire Grace family. 70 guests and 110 reporters.
When Grace’s ship arrives off the coast of Monaco, the Prince sails out to meet her. Here for the first time Grace Kelly tastes the pomp and splendor that will surround her for the rest of her life.
Grace sails into Monaco’s harbor aboard Prince Rainier’s yacht. The people of Monaco have prepared a spectacular welcome. In all her acting career Grace never made a more impressive entrance.
For all its splendor, Grace’s arrival is a bitter disappointment to the press. The Prince has ordered police force to keep reporters at bay. “After all” the Prince comments, “I am not under contract to MGM”.
April 18th, a brief and simple civil marriage ceremony is held in the throne room of the Royal Palace. In these few minutes, Grace Kelly officially becomes a Princess.
Says her mother: “I can’t believe that all this is happening to my little Gracie”
The marriage ceremony is marked by truly royal splendor and by moving dignity.
After the wedding the Prince and the bride board the Royal Yacht. The festivities are over and many Monacan residents seem glad.
As Princess of Monaco, Grace travels extensively making good will tours. With Prince Rainier at a bullfight held in their honor in Spain, her reaction delights the crowd as much as the activities in the bullring.
Prince Rainier and his wife arrive in the United States on Fall visit. The reception by enthusiastic crowds and reporters is reminiscent of her much-heralded departure. Princess Grace is expecting a baby. If a boy he will be the heir to Rainier’s throne.
“Princess, have you abandoned your movie career?”…”Yes, I have” …”When did you decide that – when did you make that decision?”… “Well, I don’t know exactly”…”Prince Rainier, as a perspective father, have you taken any courses on how to change a diaper?”…”No – not yet”…”You expect to?”… “I don’t think so”.
Grace now sees America from a different point of view. She is a foreign dignitary, formally received by the President of the United States. When she was an actress
Grace could relax during visits with her family – but now she is first and last a Princess.
In January 1957, Princess Grace bears a daughter, Caroline. Although Prince Rainier and his people are delighted, it is obvious they would have preferred a son.
The following year Princess Grace bears a second child. Monaco celebrates the birth of a Prince. He is christened Albert Pierre and destined to become the 33rd ruler of Monaco.
Now the royal family of Monaco is more secure than ever before. But Princess Grace is too dynamic a woman to become a figurehead. Grace takes her obligation to her nation seriously. She is the working president Monaco’s Red Cross and the guiding hand behind many local charities.
Prince Albert and Princess Caroline grow up surrounded by an admiring and indulgent public. But Princess Grace insists on giving them firm discipline. “I’m afraid I am very severe times” she said, “ but it seems to work out well.”
Prince Rainier and his wife determine that Monaco can become a thriving business and cultural better without sacrificing its old-world charm. “My aim” says Rainier, “is to destroy the romantic legend that Monaco exist only on the bad luck the gamblers.”
Her new duties and responsibilities have become a way of life, for Princess Grace. She is unfailingly gracious during official functions. She charms both foreign leaders and her own subjects. She has superbly met the challenge over a new role.
From time to time, it suggested that she will return to Hollywood and motion
pictures but Princess Grace answers the question of her future plans simply and directly. “Here I am” she says with quiet confidence, “and here I will stay”.
In 1962 the citizens of Monaco were dismayed when Princess Grace announced that she would star again in a Hollywood film. “We don’t want our Princess making love to actors on the screen” they said. So obediently Princess Grace cancelled her return to Hollywood and the people at Monaco forgave her momentary indiscretion. “After all” said one of Grace’s subjects, “ no one can become a real princess overnight “.
From the marriage of Grace Kelly to the death of Princess Grace:

“My Days with Princess Grace of Monaco” covers specifically from the days after the Grace Kelly marriage, to the days just before the tragic death of Princess Grace death on September 14, 1982. More at
We source the world for the best Grace Kelly / Princess Grace news. Stay informed! Join us.
You can also see Grace Kelly movie trailers and keep up with all the latest news on the 2014 Grace of Monaco movie with Nicole Kidman which is not really a Grace Kelly biography, but focuses on a specific ‘crisis’ period in her life in 1962 as Princess Grace – but it is certainly not a Grace Kelly documentary.
Grace Kelly Biography Facts
This is a complete audio rendition of Grace Kelly biography facts based on wikipedia.