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Princess Grace Foundation :
Awards for Performing Artists
During Her lifetime, H.S.H. Princess Grace of Monaco was deeply committed to helping young aspiring artists realize their career goals. This, too, is the mission of the Princess Grace Foundation named in her honor. The organization has granted more than 10 million dollars towards emerging artists in theater, dance and film.
The Princess Grace Foundation-USA operates as a public charity and is independent of the Princess Grace Foundation in Monaco that was established by Princess Grace during her lifetime – yet these two entities cooperate together honoring the legacy of Princess Grace. It is sometimes referred to as the “Grace Kelly Foundation” because it was conceived after her untimely death by friends and admirers, many of whom adored her as Grace Kelly. The Princess Grace Scholarships are more commonly known as the Princess Grace Awards and since being established in 1982, over 800 winners have been named in the theater, dance and film industry.
National in scope, the Foundation’s program is specifically geared to identifying and assisting emerging performing artists in the categories of: Theater & Playwriting, Dance Performance & Dance Choreography, as well as Film. One of the newest grants is The Princess Grace JustFilms Documentary Award, created in partnership with the Ford Foundation, dedicated to identifying emerging social justice documentary filmmakers. There is also a Special Projects & Works in Progress award established by the Princess Grace Foundation as a commitment to continued support of the Princess Grace Award, Statue Award, and Honoraria recipients.
Princess Grace Award Gala
The children of Princess Grace and Prince Rainier continue their strong relationship with the country of their mother’s birth. H.R.H. The Princess (Caroline) of Hanover serves as Chairman od the Foundation, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco is Vice Chairman and H.S.H. Princess Stephanie of Monaco is Honorary Trustee. Every year a member of the Princely Family attends the Annual Princess Grace Award Gala that usually takes place in October as a glamorous black-tie event.
The grants are awarded annually in the form of scholarships, apprenticeships and fellowships. The first grant recipients were named in 1984. It has become evident how vital a role the Foundation plays in encouraging new generations of artists. The invitation to the Princess Grace Award Gala is posted annually here
The Princess Grace Statue Award
Only past winners of the Princess Grace Awards are eligible for the illustrious prize which is aptly named the Princess Grace Statue Award. This bronze statuette of Princess Grace is awarded along with a $25,000 cash prize to those who distinguish themselves in their particular disciplines; over 50 artists have received The Princess Grace Statue.

The Prince Rainier III Award
The top Prince Rainier III Award recognizes a renowned leader in the arts whose own accomplishments are coupled with demonstrated service to the performing arts. Past recipients of the award include Julie Andrews, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Glenn Close, George Lucas, Mandy Patinkin, Twyla Tharp, and Denzel and Pauletta Washington, which includes a grant of $25,000 to the philanthropic organization of their choice.
Applying for Princess Grace Awards
Grants apply to actors, directors, lighting designers, set designers, costume designers, sound designers, projection designers and playwrights. Applications are due April/May/June depending on the Category. Generally, the grants range from $7,500 – $30,000. All grants (with the exception of the Statue Award and Special Project Grants) are given directly to the organizations, not the individual. The organizations then disburse the money to the awardee.
Applicants must be nominated by the dean/department chair of their academic program. Eligible applications are reviewed by specialists in relevant fields. Panels comprised of professional experts and practicing artists review application materials and make their determinations at panel meetings. Final notification is usually made in July of each year. This years Princess Grace Award Winners are named here:
Supporting Princess Grace Foundation-USA
The Princess Grace Foundation fills a void in the artistic community: scholarships, apprenticeships, and fellowships give emerging artists the financial assistance and moral encouragement to focus on artistic excellence; monetary support for the nominating organizations eases fund raising challenges, directing resources toward the creative process.
Toby Boshak, executive director of the Princess Grace Foundation – USA, invites the participation of individuals and corporations: “The foundation is a public charity that was established just after Princess Grace died to carry on her support of emerging artists in America.”
The organization is financially stable and looks forward to substantial growth while remaining faithful to the principles of its original mission. “That award will help pay their tuition if they’re in school or their salary if they’re going to be employed by a company, say as a dancer or a set designer,” said Boshak.
The true sign of a triumphant program can be measured by its ripple effects. The success of Princess Grace Awards winners inspire new and creative ways to help talented performing artists achieve their goals. You can help Grace Kelly’s Legacy.
In 2014, the Princess Grace Foundation linked with luxury firm DIOR as sole presenting sponsor for the foundation’s award galas.

See 2014 Princess Grace Gala Awards