There has always been a strong association between French magazine Paris Match and the Princely Family of Monaco. Princess Grace appeared many times on the cover, as has every member of the Grimaldi family. The magazine (on sale December 17th) covers what is recognized as the first in-depth published interview with Princess Charlene about the birth of the twins and her new role as mother. We offer an excerpt of an english translation:

Less than a week after the birth of Gabriella et Jacques, Princesse Charlene of Monaco shared her happiness with Paris Match. The wife of Prince Albert hopes to leave the Princess Grace Hospital with her twins before Christmas. Born 15 days before their due date, the new Grimaldi heirs are doing well, but must gain a bit of weight before their first appearance.
Paris Match: Your Highness, how are you and how are your children? Do you know when you are going to get out of the maternity ward of the hospital?
SAS Charlene of Monaco: I’m a bit tired but we’re all very well thank you. I am recovering from cesarean and the little ones who arrived somewhat prematurely are doing marvelously. They are growing every day, gaining weight. This is a fairly standard procedure in this kind of situation of having to still be monitored for a few days in the hospital. Everything now depends on their progress, and on the advice of the doctors. The medical team around us was absolutely fantastic. I do not know yet when we will leave, I hope it will be before Christmas, it depends on the children … You see, they are the “boss” now.
Paris Match: It is not uncommon that the twins are quite small at birth, as far as I understand they are born almost two weeks early…
SAS Charlene of Monaco: That’s right.
Paris Match: You yourself were born prematurely?
SAS Charlene of Monaco: Yes, and I was much smaller and more frail than they are.
Paris Match: When you held Gabriella and Jacques in your arms for the first time, what did you feel?
SAS Charlene of Monaco: At first, I was happy to hear their first cries. I was obviously a bit overwhelmed with emotion. Every second with them is magical. I look forward to spending more time in their presence. Watching them grow is wonderful. It changes life forever.
Paris Match: The world dreams of discovering these babies, do you know when you will have the opportunity to present them publicly?
SAS Charlene of Monaco: By early next week, I hope. Then we will have the official presentation to the Monegasque people on January 7, as was announced by my husband, Prince Albert II.
Paris Match: Even though they are so small, do Jacques and Gabriella resemble you already? What [features] do they have of yours and what of the Prince’s? Can you already identify their character. And is one calmer than the other? Is one funnier?
SAS Charlene of Monaco: You know, what’s incredible is that between the morning and evening, they have already changed. Their face is constantly evolving. It is therefore difficult to say at present which of us they resemble most. Maybe we’ll know more next week (laughs) … What I can tell you is that they are both very active and very expressive. They are beautiful, adorable, I’m crazy in love with them.
Paris Match: Recently you had told me that the idea of becoming parents filled you and Prince Albert II with a huge sense of responsibility. Has the birth of Gabriella and Jacques already revolutionized your daily lives, like you envisioned?
SAS Charlene of Monaco:I think a very strong protective instinct was born in me at the same time as them. A strong bond unites us, they are my responsibility in the coming years. And I will do my best to guide them, raise them and teach them the values that my husband and I share. This is an exciting mission and we will give the best of ourselves to achieve it. For now, we are enjoying every moment.
Original interview with Princess Charlene in French from Paris Match
See more about the Monaco Twins including birth ceremony video inside palace chapel & throne room

The life of Princess Grace could be chronicled in the many covers from French Magazine Paris Match, including the center image when she gave birth to Prince Albert. For a more detail account on life in the Palace – and motherhood, we recommend “My Days with Princess Grace of Monaco” reviewed as: “This is a definitive book on the real Princess Grace from one who knew her personally. This is a delightfully enjoyable read that gives insight to the real Princess Grace. It is well written and based on fact. This book is not conjecture. It is written by one who was her personal confident. Very enjoyable read” – American Library Association member