A Year in the Life of Sovereign Prince Albert II of Monaco
March 14, 2014 marks Prince Albert’s 56th birthday. His conscientious commitment to the environment and his official duties as Prince of Monaco require him to travel the world on a constant basis, meeting with Heads of State, Royals, world leaders, and the UN (Monaco celebrated 20 years as a member of the United Nations this year.)
Since his last birthday, he and Princess Charlene attended the inauguration of Pope Francis at the Vatican in March, then Prince Albert attended the enthronement ceremony of King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands in April, and a birthday celebration for the ninetieth birthday of President Shimon Peres in Israel in June. This coincided with Prince Albert speaking in Jerusalem about the “Green Economy” at the Fifth Israeli Presidential Conference.
Prince Albert is known as the “Green Prince” for his concern for the world’s oceans, environment, and Polar regions – in 2013 he received the World Ecology Award for his commitment to environmental protection. In May, he went to Brussels to participate in the 36th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting regarding the preservation of Antarctica’s unique status as a sanctuary.

As a member of the International Olympic Committee, Prince Albert went to Lausanne in July and to Buenos Aires in September for meetings to determine future Olympic host countries. He then travelled to Russia in October with Princess Charlene for a ceremony of the arrival of the Olympic Flame presided over by President Vladimir Putin, followed by Prince Albert’s participation in the Olympic Torch Relay.
In February, Their Serene Highnesses (both of whom are former Olympians) attended the opening ceremony of the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, and remained there for several days to encourage the six Monegasque athletes competing in Alpine Skiing and in Bobsleigh. (Since 1920, the Principality has participated in 28 Olympics, with 145 Monegasque athletes competing in 14 sports in both summer and winter games.)
In the past year, Prince Albert has been to the USA three times, addressing the United Nations in New York in September, and attending a reception hosted by President Barack Obama with Princess Charlene. He returned to the US in October with Princess Charlene to inaugurate an exhibition in Philadelphia in honor of his mother: “Grace Kelly, Beyond the Icon”. Then in February, he flew to California to speak about the oceans at two major international events, including The World Ocean Summit.
In December, Prince Albert attended Nelson Mandela’s funeral in South Africa, followed by a visit in January to the village of Myezo, Nelson Mandela’s birthplace. With trips to Montenegro, Brussels, and Morocco, as well as the numerous events that require his presence in Monaco, it is a good thing that Prince Albert has his own jet!
The life of this sovereign Prince is full of endless commitments to his country and to the planet. We hope that he enjoys a Happy Birthday, and we wish him a happy, healthy and successful year ahead in all his endeavors.
Monaco rejoiced in 1958 when Prince Albert was born… and today the people of the world appreciate His Serene Highness as a true ambassador for humanity (and earth).
Prince Rainier (and Princess Caroline) Announce the Birth of Prince Albert
More on Prince Albert of Monaco
PS. more on Princess Grace / Grace Kelly birthday