HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco awards
2014 The Prince’s Prize for Innovative Philanthropy
Monte Carlo, January 28, 2014 — The Prince’s Prize for Innovative Philanthropy has been awarded to Clara Miller, CEO of The FB Heron Foundation. The FB Heron Foundation seeks to fund companies in the United States that create high-quality jobs for people working to escape poverty, while also promoting systemic economic changes to benefit low-income workers.
Ms Miller, who previously founded and directed the Non-profit Finance Fund, a leading community development fund in the United States, has driven an innovative initiative to re-allocate the Heron Foundation’s entire endowment capital so that it is invested only in projects that are aligned with the foundation’s mission, thus amplifying the impact of its work.
Prince’s Prize for Innovative Philanthropy
The Prince’s Prize for Innovative Philanthropy seeks to showcase particularly creative and effective philanthropic initiatives, at a time when philanthropy is becoming increasingly important to fighting injustice and poverty worldwide. It is an initiative jointly developed by The Tocqueville Foundation (in Paris) and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. Its goal is to highlight projects and initiatives that have triggered innovative activity in the field of philanthropy, seeking out individuals and organizations that inspire others.
The Prince’s Prize results from HSH Prince Albert’s close involvement in The Prince’s Roundtable on Philanthropy, an annual closed-door forum of leading international philanthropists, taking place in Monaco every year following the annual World Economic Forum in Davos. Many of the Roundtable’s members serve on the nominating and evaluating committee for the Prince’s Prize, together with a select group of social entrepreneurs, foundation directors, academics and other opinion leaders. The Prince’s Prize is unusual in highlighting new and ingenious ways of giving money, and the often-neglected skill of effective giving.

“I am particularly grateful to be able to count on the advice and expertise of my fellow members of The Prince’s Roundtable on Philanthropy, an annual meeting of donors that, since 2011 takes place every January in Monaco. Many of these men and women wish to remain discreet about their work, a humility that I applaud. I am also delighted with the partnership for this event between my foundation and the Tocqueville Foundation, which works within the framework of the Institut de France to promote Alexis de Tocqueville’s unique vision of democracy and the rights and responsibilities of all members of society.” — more words from H.S.H Prince Albert
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, created by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco in 2006, addresses the alarming threats hanging over our planet’s environment. The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation works for the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development. The Foundation supports initiatives conducted by public and private organizations within the fields of research, technological innovation and activities to raise awareness of the social issues at stake. It funds projects in three main geographical regions: the Mediterranean Basin, the Polar Regions and the Least Developed Countries. The Foundation’s efforts focus on three main sectors: Climate change and renewable energies, biodiversity, and integrated and sustainable water management together with the fight against desertification.
The Tocqueville Foundation is an international grant-making, prize-awarding and operating foundation registered in France under the auspices of the Institut de France. Its mission and vision are deeply rooted in Alexis de Tocqueville’s social and political thought, and particularly his belief in the fundamental contribution of civil society to democratic and economic development. The Tocqueville Foundation fosters a dynamic civil society through learning, innovation and engagement. By promoting strategic philanthropy and social investing, building bridges across borders and generations, the Tocqueville Foundation promotes a well-developed and effective civil society where individuals, acting together, address common problems and build sustainable social equity for future generations.