Source: darkroom.baltimoresun.com
There is no doubt that Nicole Kidman is a beautiful woman, even as she turns 47 on June 20. Regardless of the comments about botox at the Cannes film festival, or rumors of breast augmentation at the recent red carpet events, or speculation about plastic surgery to shave away the 15-year age difference of playing Grace Kelly in 1962, Nicole Kidman certainly remains a screen goddess in many parts of the World. Nicole Kidman’s home country of Australia opened “Grace of Monaco” stronger than the UK, even though Australia’s population is less than half of England’s – a country that revels in royals.
Another surprise is that Italy has the highest ticket sales for the movie to date, even outdoing France – despite this being a French film with French Director Olivier Dahan. Of course, the Grimaldi’s are of Italian origin, and Monaco was in fact a protectorate of Italy in the past – and part of the movie was shot in Italy. The popularity of the movie is surprising in a country like Russia, but perhaps movie-goers there seem to enjoy peering into the luxury of the Western World, and lamenting the loss of bygone royals. Even the small country of Sweden has shown great box office receipts for Grace of Monaco, gathering momentum after a slow opening week.
China’s reception at the Shanghai International Film Festival (mid-June) was quite different than at the Cannes Film Festival in France (mid-May) and the movie promises to do well there despite going against Godzilla (a staple in childhood TV) and “Edge of Tomorrow” with Tom Cruise (Nicole’s ex-husband).
A surprise birthday celebration for Nicole Kidman took place in China, complete with a Grace of Monaco cake:

Source: megasabi.com
Let’s hope that Nicole Kidman can have “her cake and eat it too”… and that post-revolutionary French director Oliver Dahan’s seeming disdain for royalty does not single-handedly destroy the legacy of both Grace Kelly and Nicole Kidman.
Nevertheless, birthday or not, Nicole Kidman continues to fulfill her duty to promote Grace of Monaco around the world as the USA stays in the dark while Weinstein contemplates his next move. It is no secret that the reviews at Cannes seemed to be a frenzy of reviewers trying to outdo each other’s scathing remarks, which affected the public’s response to the film even more than the Palace of Monaco’s statement about the movie being pure fiction.
Two great things about the Grace of Monaco movie
According to an account by those that were familiar with the circumstances around that time, there are only two great things about the Grace of Monaco movie:
1 – Princess Grace and Prince Rainier will never see it (and hopefully, neither will any members of their family). This movie would never have been made if Grace and Rainier were alive. The characters in this film are woefully mis-portrayed in every way, and there is very little truth in any of these performances. Princess Grace deserved much better!
2 – The good news is that very few people will ever see it! Judging by the handfuls of people in the cinemas, there are not many people who will bear witness to this travesty of a film. This really could have been a great movie, but sadly, it is appalling in almost every way, and it is mostly the fault of a very poor script that should have remained languishing on Hollywood’s blacklist.
Phenomenal actors, gorgeous sets, stunning costumes, a compelling drama based on actual historic events, the story of one of the most famous couples in the world, and a director of an Oscar-Winning film should have been a recipe for an outstanding movie.
Actually the true story of what happened in 1962 is far more intriguing and will be released this Fall in a new book “My Days with Princess Grace of Monaco” – written by eyewitnesses who were actually there for the events that are loosely depicted in the film. Those who want to know the truth of what really happened will surely appreciate more the real story as revealed in the new book “My Days with Princess Grace of Monaco”. The actual crisis of 1962 in itself would have made an intriguing political thriller…

Source: PrincessGraceofMonaco.com
Nicole Kidman’s Birthday Wish?
No, it is not botox, breast augmentation or plastic surgery. Nicole Kidman’s secret birthday wish may be to allow Harvey Weinstein to create magic with re-editing his version of Grace of Monaco – fit for the U.S. audience (and perhaps re-released around the world). He has been called “Harvey Scissorhands” for his editing of films; Edward Scissorhands skillfully crafted works of art, and Harvey Weinstein has an eye for what makes a wonderfully successful film – let’s hope he gets the chance to save Grace of Monaco, and Nicole Kidman’s performance – if anyone can do it, perhaps he can.
So French Director Olivier Dahan may have to eat some pride and let Weinstein showcase Nicole Kidman and Princess Grace as they both deserve to be portrayed. Nicole Kidman deserves a Happy Birthday… and Grace Kelly deserves to be honored.
PS. here is a nostalgic Happy Birthday Wish to Nicole Kidman from her husband and fans
This is how the Chinese sing Happy Birthday to Nicole Kidman
See the English version and video Grace of Monaco in China – Nicole Kidman Honored
Grace of Monaco Box Office Results:

Source: boxofficemojo.com