Here are snippets of a possible match between Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge (Princess of the United Kingdom) and His Serene Highness Prince Jacques (The Hereditary Prince of Monaco, Marquis of Baux)
In many cultures marriage matches would not be considered without looking up to heaven and consulting the stars. Astrology is defined as the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. Princess Grace of Monaco herself was fascinated by astrology and, according to “My Days with Princess Grace of Monaco”, a new book written by one of her closest friends, Grace was practically an amateur astrologer.
Astrology compatibility (synastry) is the branch of astrology that studies relationships by comparing natal horoscopes. A natal horoscope is a chart or map of the angles of the planets in the Solar System and their positions in the zodiac at the exact time of a person’s birth.

Princess Charlotte of the United Kingdom & Prince Jacques of Monaco
Judge for yourself if the stars will be right for a romance and possible wedding between Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana born May 02, 2015 (8:34 GMT) and Prince Jacques Honoré Rainier born December 10, 2014 (17:06 CET)
Sun 11°39′ Taurus Moon 21°14′ Libra Mercury 01°46′ Gemini Venus 23°47′ Gemini Mars 23°05′ Taurus Jupiter 13°26′ Leo Saturn 03°06′ Sagittarius Uranus 17°58′ Aries Neptune 09°37′ Pisces Pluto 15°12′ Capricorn |
Sun 18°32′ Sagittarius Moon 06°30′ Leo Mercury 19°48′ Sagittarius Venus 29°60′ Sagittarius Mars 04°25′ Aquarius Jupiter 22°36′ Leo Saturn 28°33′ Scorpio Uranus 12°42′ Aries Neptune 05°13′ Pisces Pluto 12°11′ Capricorn |
Using Astrology to assess the strength of a relationship is a complex study of the interrelationships in a couple’s personal charts. In its simplest form people compare Sun signs to determine compatibility. Unfortunately, mere Sun sign comparisons rarely give an accurate assessment of a relationship’s true potential. At best comparing Sun signs may give you a very broad and malleable impression of a relationship’s viability.
To get a clearer picture of a union’s potential one must study other relations in the couple’s charts as well. How each person’s planets relate to one another can have a dramatic impact on a relationship. Favorable Sun sign combinations may prove to be nightmares in the making once all the other planetary aspects are factored into a compatibility assessment. Conversely it is possible that a Sun sign combination which indicates a negative relationship may prove to be very fulfilling once other Astrological indicators are considered.
The compatibility assessment below looks beyond Sun signs by assessing a number of aspects that have proven to be very influential in determining the probability that a relationship will be successful and fulfilling. When reading this report generated by it is very important to remember all charts have both positive and negative factors that can augment, dampen, and negate the influence of one another. The simplest way of assessing compatibility of this report is to weigh negative influences against positive influences and determine which has a greater presence in the report (Keep in mind that although they are just newborns now, one day there will be a Royal Princess looking seeking her ideal Prince)
Princess Charlotte’s Sun in Taurus — Prince Jacques’s Sun in Sagittarius
Taurus and Sagittarius are attracted to each other physically, for Taurus’s passions are ignited by Sagittarius’s uninhibited lovemaking. But Taurus finds it difficult to deal with Sagittarius’s roving eye and search for novelty. This might work if Taurus can tie a string to Sagittarius’s kite and hold on tight. Sagittarius has an easy live-and-let live attitude about sex and everything else, whereas Taurus is both serious and possessive. Sagittarius refuses to stay under someone else’s thumb. No dull moments-but a good deal of quarreling. An affair can be fun.
Square Princess Charlotte Sun / Prince Jacques Moon – 05°09′
This aspect is likely to cause serious personality clashes. The lack of harmony in this combination is tremendous. It’s likely that much energy will be wasted bickering and fighting over even the pettiest of choices. This aspect requires a number of positive aspects to counter its negative influences. It is definitely not a combination that promotes domestic harmony. Indeed, your ideas of how life should be lived are so at odds with one another that you might find yourself feeling like an alien in your own home.
Sextile Prince Jacques Sun / Princess Charlotte Moon – 02°42′
This is a very positive combination for those who desire a strong family oriented relationship. Working as a team towards shared goals should come easily. There is likely to be an innate understanding of each other that encourages cooperation and dulls the need to compete with one another. The two of you are likely to be best friends as well as mates.
Sextile Princess Charlotte Moon / Prince Jacques Jupiter – 01°22′
This aspect will bring the spirit of giving and general goodwill to your relationship. You understand each other very well, and are confident that your trust in one another is justified. While this aspect doesn’t provide a boost to the romance side of a relationship, it certainly helps create a solid foundation on which romance can bloom.
Sextile Prince Jacques Moon / Princess Charlotte Mercury – 04°44′
Strong communication and a genuine concern for the spiritual health of each other make this an ideal aspect for almost any kind of relationship. Even when focused on the silliest of things your conversations are very engaging for both of you. Sharing ideas, hopes and dreams is likely to lead to moments of profound self-discovery and growth as individuals and as a couple.
Trine Princess Charlotte Mercury / Prince Jacques Mars – 02°38′
Intellectual compatibility, optimism, and creativity are key products of this aspect. As a team you are very adept at transforming goals and dreams into solid realities. Your intellectual life should be lively and full of pleasant surprises. Lighthearted competition between the two of you will help keep things interesting as well.
Opposition Princess Charlotte Mercury / Prince Jacques Saturn – 03°13′
A lack of trust is likely to develop under this influence. Communication tends to be lacking or caustic and undermining in nature. Your approaches to life may be very divergent in key areas. Power plays and underhanded dealings with one another are possible. Clearly this is a negative aspect for long term relationships of any kind.
Opposition Prince Jacques Sun / Princess Charlotte Venus – 05°15′
This is a wonderful combination for long term, romantic or platonic relationships. Physical and spiritual harmony is very high between you two. You try to treat each other warmly and considerately even when things are not at their best. Sharing you inner-self with each other should be very easy and fulfilling.
Opposition Prince Jacques Mercury / Princess Charlotte Venus – 03°59′
Because your methods of mental processing are very different you are likely to have problems understanding what the other is actually saying, thinking, and feeling. Your likes and dislikes may be extraordinarily dissimilar as well. Even when you do share a liking for something it is most likely for very different reasons. Although challenging to relationships, this influence can be abated by compromise and a concerted effort to communicate views in a way the other can comprehend.
Opposition Princess Charlotte Venus / Prince Jacques Venus – 06°13′
Romantic attraction can be very high under this aspect, but emotions behind the romance can have extreme highs and lows. The highs can be so full of passion that sating them may be impossible and the lows are likely to leave you feeling like a zombie. While occasional visits to these highs and lows may be acceptable, constant ranging from one to the other is likely to leave you with emotionally and spiritually spent. Since your emotions tend to move in tandem, you can’t look to each other to pull you out of the cycle when it hits its extremes. The trick to living under this aspect is to learn how to maintain emotional stability, so you’re not constantly at the mercy of the powerful emotions behind your romance.
Sextile Princess Charlotte Venus / Prince Jacques Jupiter – 01°10′
You are likely to have a strong spiritual connection that will go a long way in creating a harmonious, stable environment in which your relationship can grow. As a couple you may be moved to address social and spiritual issues. Enduring, fulfilling relationships can be built from this combination.
Square Princess Charlotte Mars / Prince Jacques Jupiter – 00°28′
This aspect tends to bring out each other’s more destructive tendencies. Rash, impulsive behavior is likely to be a product of this combination. Your core beliefs and backgrounds are likely to be so different that you find yourselves constantly at each other’s throat. This aspect doesn’t favor relationships of any kind.
Opposition Princess Charlotte Mars / Prince Jacques Saturn – 05°29′
This aspect can make it very difficult for couples to create shared goals and aspirations. Often couples under this influence are completely out of sync with one another. Couples with this aspect in their chart may be together to realize personal goals and not to move through life as a couple seeking shared goals and pleasures.
Trine Prince Jacques Sun / Princess Charlotte Jupiter – 05°05′
This is a wonderful aspect for any type of relationship. Harmony and the ability to work well as a team are cornerstones of this aspect. Generosity, benevolence, optimism are fostered by this combination. Romance aside, this aspect indicates the development of a great friendship. You really enjoy each other’s company! Long term relationships are favored by this aspect.
Conjunction Prince Jacques Moon / Princess Charlotte Jupiter – 06°56′
Although this aspect does not in itself indicate a strong romantic bond, it does suggest harmony, trust, and reliability which are keystones to almost any type of long term relationship. It’s likely that the two of you have very compatible spiritual, social, and moral values, which promotes stability. When chasing your personal goals your mate in this relationship can be counted on for support and honest counsel. They will truly be your biggest fan.
Trine Prince Jacques Mercury / Princess Charlotte Jupiter – 06°21′
Communication is good under this aspect. You share many intellectual interests and moral views. You should enjoy a healthy optimism towards life in general, and can count on one another for positive input as well as sincere encouragement when working to achieve either shared or individual goals. Overall this influence is positive for a long term relationships of any kind.
Trine Prince Jacques Moon / Princess Charlotte Saturn – 03°24′
While not an indicator of a great romance, the influences of this combination are ideal when addressing life’s day to day responsibilities. Knowing that you can rely on each other to get things done creates a healthy sense of security and stability. Overall this is an excellent aspect for long term relationships of any kind.
Sextile Prince Jacques Mars / Princess Charlotte Saturn – 01°18′
While this aspect doesn’t indicate a strong romantic attachment it does provide a number of favorable traits that will ensure relationships of any kind flourish. This aspect is basically a melding of the divergent dispositions of an action oriented person and one that is more disciplined into an influence that is stable, harmonious, and productive. This is a favorable aspect for any kind of long term relationship.
Trine Prince Jacques Sun / Princess Charlotte Uranus – 00°34′
This combination can put the spark in almost any relationship! A zest for life, playfulness and shared desire to explore and grow as individuals as well as a couple make this aspect a true gem. Since this aspect promotes creative thinking and the pursuit of new experiences your life together should rarely if ever suffer periods of stagnation. This combination is a true blessing to those in a long term romantic relationship.
Trine Prince Jacques Mercury / Princess Charlotte Uranus – 01°50′
This is an excellent influence for relationships of all kinds. It is especially potent when the couple is involved in the arts or some other creative pursuit. Your minds are likely to be naturally in sync, so communication should be very good. Romance aside, you should develop a strong friendship under this influence as well.
Astrology Report courtesy
The May 10th, 2015 christening of Prince Jacques is also shared with his twin sister Princess Gabriella who might even be the perfect match for the future King of England. See more about the Monaco Twins