Halloween costumes? Grace Kelly or Princess Grace for real

Sophia Loren-Princess Grace Kelly-Prince Rainier

Sophia Loren, Princess Grace Kelly, Prince Rainier


“For Halloween, there was a fabulous costume party for the children in the afternoon, while the mothers sipped champagne in the evening. Grace created a terrific Chamber of Horrors at the Palace, to the delight and trepidation of the children and guests. Although Halloween was not celebrated outside America, Grace did not want her children to miss out on the thrills of this experience. She delighted in the joys of her children – in fact, her greatest joy was giving joy to others.” excerpt from My Days with Princess Grace of Monaco

HOWEVER, these are not HALLOWEEN COSTUMES – they are real photos of Princess Grace at some of the Galas

Princess Grace Costume


Princess Grace Head Costume

Princess Grace & Prince Rainier - not Halloween Costumes


NOT AMUSING Halloween Mask

Prince Rainier as Charles De Gaulle


Princess Grace seems not to be amused at Prince Rainier wearing a mask of French President Charles de Gaulle – could this photo have been taken during the Franco-Monegasque crisis of 1962, which is described in detail in the book My Days with Princess Grace? This scene certainly did not appear in the highly fictionalized Nicole Kidman film Grace of Monaco, which failed to portray Prince Rainier’s sense of humor at all.



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