Monaco Rose Ball

Monaco Rose Ball

Rose Ball - Salle des Etoiles  Monte-Carlo










International high society gathers in Monaco every Spring for the famous Rose Ball. Created in 1954, the “Bal de la Rose” was put on the map by Princess Grace after her 1956 marriage to Prince Rainier III, and through the years she was personally involved in setting the yearly theme for this grand event. Of course, roses were always at the centerpiece of this Grand Ball – thousands and thousands of them.

Princess Grace - Bal de la Rose - 1970 - SBM Archives

2014 marks the 60th anniversary of this elite event organised every year in March by the Monte-Carlo SBM Group in close association with H.R.H. Princess Caroline. Every year there is a different theme – and a renowned designer heading its artistic interpretation. For the last couple of years, this privilege has gone to fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld and on March 29, 2014 guests paying 800 Euros a ticket will be treated to a feast for all the senses when the Salle des Etoiles of the Monte-Carlo Sporting Club is converted to celebrate Russian Constructivism – in honor of Monaco’s past and present ties with the Russians.

2014 Bal de Rose

See more photos of the 2014 Bal de la Rose

(Best Coverage of 2014 Rose Ball : Daily Mail , Vouge )

Each year, the exclusive event is designed around a distinct theme from a different country. Last year, the theme was set close to home, with the spotlight on Monaco itself as the Societe des Bains de Mer (SBM) celebrated its 150th anniversary. In 2012 it was London’s Swinging Sixties (as a prelude to the London Olympics). Previous concepts have included Jamaican reggae and the Spanish movida.

While the theme of this major social event may change every year, it always tries to stay true to its essence by welcoming guests to a phenomenally fragrant rose-filled room. Royals, aristocratic guests, the “glitterati” and A-listers indulge in a champagne dinner followed by an exhilarating, fun-filled night of entertainment, dancing and fireworks.

A highlight of the night is a traditional tombola – a raffle that includes many fantastic prizes donated by luxury Monaco establishments, to benefit the Princess Grace Foundation.

The Ball isn’t just a simple social event or another pretext to have a party. Since 1964, the primary beneficiary of this elite fundraiser has been the Fondation Princesse Grace de Monaco, the organization Princess Grace (and Prince Rainier) created to support local artisans and those in need, and now under the auspices of Princess Caroline, it has expanded its activities to humanitarian aid, especially to hospitalized children and their families.

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene also attend the star-studded glamorous Rose Ball.

Bal de la Rose - Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene of Monaco - Rose








In 2015, the Monaco Rose Ball took an Art Deco twist

2015 Monaco Rose Ball theme


The 2016 Monaco Rose Ball showcased the new generation of Monaco ‘royalty’ as Princess Alexandra holds hands with brother Pierre’s wife BeatricePrincess Alexandra holds hands with brother Pierre wife Beatrice at 2016 Monaco Rose Ball


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