The bond between Monaco and USA goes even further than the marriage of Grace Kelly to Prince Rainier in 1956. Prince Albert I, married Alice Heine in 1889 – an heiress from New Orleans (with German ancestry just like Grace Kelly) And H. S. H. Prince Albert II, attended Amherst College in Massachusetts (enrolled as Albert Grimaldi)
To foster the friendship bond between the Monaco and America, the MonacoUSA association was created at the express wish of H.S.H. Princess Grace. For more than 40 years, the MonacoUSA Association has been the Principality’s main rendezvous for resident Americans and native Monegasque citizens – as well as friends of both nations from around the globe.
At the time of MonacoUSA’s establishment in 1973, the Princess impressed on the first Committee Members that she hoped this Association would evoke the true American spirit of open friendship, good cheer, a willing hand to help others and, above all, informality. She intended that the meetings of the group be kept casual – and affordable to all “from the CEO of an international company to an ‘au pair’ working for a Monaco family” – as she herself once put it.
Princess Grace never missed an opportunity of fostering cultural educational and artistic exchanges between her native America and her adopted Principality. Over the years the Princess herself – as well as Prince Rainier and their children frequently participated in the Association’s events.

MonacoUSA has evolved to serve as a social and business network for Americans, Monegasques and other English-speaking members of the international community. It has created a WELCOME TEAM available to offer advice and assistance to newly arrived individuals or families, including offering information on English speaking doctors, lawyers, home services, etc. The team is also available to assist US companies planning to open businesses in Monaco who have questions about life and lifestyle in the principality. MonacoUSA also sponsors celebrations for the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, US Presidential Election and Inaugural Nights, and even Superbowl Sunday.
Today, H. S. H. Prince Albert II, following in his mother’s footsteps, goes out of his way to support and encourage Monaco-USA by his periodic attendance at their sponsored events. Monaco businesses and restaurants have partnered to provide special offers to members.