Oscar Losses - Beyond Grace Kelly

Oscar Losses

While there is one winner in each category at the Oscars…

Oscar for Grace Kelly

…as the night wears on, there are more and more losers… some take it better then others … some never recover


But there is more to this story … A year after Grace Kelly won her Oscar, she married Prince Rainier and became Princess Grace of Monaco. In an interview with Shaun Considine for his book, “The Oscar Letters“, Grace recounts:
a friend in New York cautioned her not to attend the Oscar ceremonies, because Judy Garland was going to win for A Star is Born, she was called by the powerful Hollywood columnist, Hedda Hopper. To ensure Garland’s victory, the columnist insisted that Kelly refuse her nomination, by withdrawing her name from the final Oscar ballot. If Judy didn’t win she would do something rash, she would attempt suicide again, Hopper firmly stated. “This made me feel awful,” Princess Grace said. “I told her that it was not my choice, but that of the Academy members and voters. I also suspected that Judy knew nothing of this request.”

Do you agree with this opinion on the Oscar’s 1954 Best Actress Race, Defending Why Grace Kelly Won and Why Judy Garland Should Have Won.

See if you agree with this analysis of how for decades the OSCARS always gets it wrong when it comes to the BEST PICTURES Category.

Here are the controversial Top 20 Unforgiveable Oscar Losses

and another list of Top Unforgiveable Oscar Losses

and a look at 10 Worst Oscar Losses of This Century

Grace Kelly went on to become Princess Grace of Monaco – see more on Grace Kelly beyond the Oscars

Princess Grace Kelly Grimaldi Passport

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