1955 : Grace Kelly Defined

Grace Kelly Shines

1955 was the year that defined Grace Kelly in history as predicted by the 1954 momentum. The year 1955 started with “New York Film Critics Circle Awards” for which Grace Kelly won Best Actress for her 3 film roles the previous year: The Country Girl, Rear Window, Dial ‘M’ for Murder (see rare interview)

1955 Grace Kelly with Oscar Statue


In March, Grace Kelly not only wins the 1955 Academy Awards Best Actress Oscar but due to her popularity she also opened the Oscars (with Bob Hope), captured in this insightful rare video (minute 14:30 ). Bob Hope joked that there was a special award for bravery that year for the producer that made a movie without Grace Kelly. (minute 8:20)

Grace Kelly then graced the cover of LIFE Magazine as they covered (very briefly) how Grace and Marlon Brando got “oscared”

Life 1955 April 11 Grace Kelly

Just a few weeks later Grace Kelly went to the Cannes Film Festival where her film The Country Girl was to be shown (more about 1955 Grace Kelly trip to Cannes)

1955 Grace Kelly with fans at Cannes

On that same trip, Grace Kelly finally got the opportunity to wander in the gardens of the Palace of Monaco (something she had dreamed of doing the year before while filming on the French Riviera with Alfred Hitchcock). A photo session was arranged at the Palace with Prince Rainier III, the ruling sovereign of the principality. The events of that day could be turned into a movie, as the day started with a power outage at the hotel due to a French strike (limiting Grace Kelly’s wardrobe selection to her least favorite dress because it did not need ironing). On the drive to Monaco, her party got into a car accident. Then Prince Rainier was very late – which allowed Grace Kelly to ‘play’ loose in the Palace – while photographer Edward Quinn beautifully captured history in the making.

Grace Kelly & Prince Rainier

On August 4, 1955 Grace Kelly is in full glory at the premiere of To Catch a Thief (with Gary Cooper) at the Paramount Theater in New York City. This is the movie that brought Cary Grant back from his recently announced retirement from acting. Alfred Hitchcock enticed him with Grace Kelly and filming on the Riviera.

Grace Kelly - Cary Grant - Premiere 1955 To Catch a Thief


To Catch a Thief 1955 premiere - Grace Kelly & Cary Grant


At this point the world is still yet to know the fateful ironic twist that would make Grace Kelly give up her reign as Hollywood Royalty in order to reign as Princess Grace of Monaco. As this 1955 newspaper ad for To Catch a Thief headlines “WHEN THEY MEET IN MONTE CARLO – YOUR EMOTIONS ARE IN FOR A POUNDING”

1955 To Catch a Thief Newspaper Ad


During 1955 Grace Kelly filmed her next movie “The Swan” in which she played… a Princess.

See 1955 Grace Kelly Movies

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